Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deaf Ears

My kitchen (and my husband) has been calling my name.............. I've just been too busy to hear it. The kids are back in school, Girl Guides has started back up, etc, etc and I feel like I am dropping the ball on many things. As some of you know we started looking to move houses last spring. After looking at pretty much all available homes here (did I mention wasting our summer obsessing over moving???), we came to the conclusion that really, the house we are in is pretty fabulous and that we just need to utilize our space a bit better. So, we came to this decision right around the time the kids started back at school, so my days are pretty full of moving kids rooms around, building furniture and trying to organize our house. In the process I have given myself boxes of "stuff" that needs to be sorted, put away and thrown away....this has led to things being misplaced and alittle embarassment. I have had to tell several people that I can't find things and need replacements because "I'm trying to organize my house and have lost things in the process". Okay, all I can imagine is that they are wondering what kind of mess we were living in if I'm getting organized and still losing things!!!! So, this all gets me back to that I really have not been cooking...much to the annoyance of my hubbbie (funny Craig, the kids didn't mind cereal for dinner, what's with you???!!!) but I will post something that we have been making on was inspired by our dear friend Craig who can really wrestle up some good grub (who we are all also missing now that school is back in session)!!

Mashed Baked Potatoes

Green Onions
Bacon Bits

Wash your potatoes, cut them up and boil them (in salted water) until tender. (yes we don't peel them and the kids haven't even noticed...can't tell you how much I love this time saver). Hand mash them for a rustic feel and add all remaining ingredients. Add some salt and pepper if you want and Ainsley also likes cheese sprinkled on hers. My kids love these and I love them because we can have them when we aren't having gravy and they are really quite fast depending on how small you cut them before cooking. Hope that your family loves them as much as we do!

1 comment:

Canadaland said...

You are so cute Carey. At least you are trying to organize your house. I have deemed mine a lost cause and I refuse to do anything about it : ) I miss you so much! It's so fun to read your blog and picture you in my head. I love ya cutie! I hear Grandma is coming up to Grand Prairie for I won't be seeing you. Have fun.